Ryan Cho

Terry Fox Secondary

To join our email list please fill out the form here.
BIPOC teachers can be a part of this list without meeting attendance.

Check here for meeting dates for 2024-25


a. Membership

  1. Membership of the Committee

CTA Representatives to the BIPOC Educators’ Committee shall consist of:

  • CTA members who identify as Black, Indigenous, or Persons of Colour without limit as to number of members or length of term
  • CTA members who identify as Black, Indigenous, or Persons of Colour are welcome to attend meetings as non-voting guests
  1. Selection of the Committee

Representatives shall become members of the committee by expressing interest to the Executive Director of the CTA, without the need to complete the cv form.  They will be ratified by the Representative Assembly.

  1. Selection of the Chairperson

The chairperson (or co-chairs) shall be selected from and by the members of the committee and shall be ratified annually by the Year End General meeting.

b. Duties and Responsibilities of the Chairperson

    1. Call and chair meetings of the BIPOC Educators’ Committee
    2. Act as a liaison with the CTA Executive Committee as needed.
    3. Ensure the minutes from all BIPOC Educators’ Committee meetings are forwarded to the CTA Office.

c. Duties

The duties of the committee shall be:

  1. To identify and review issues and concerns relating to educators who identify as BIPOC.
  2. To make recommendations to the CTA Executive Committee.
  3. To provide a space for BIPOC educators to share concerns and access support.
  4. To review and share resources.
  5. To liaise with other CTA Standing Committees (at the discretion of the BIPOC Educators’ Committee).