Negotiations Committee

Our Collective Agreement is up for re-negotiation in 2025, and a new Negotiations Committee is required.

As per CTA Policy 7.a the committee still has the following spots available:

1 Member who identifies as Indigenous
1 Member who identifies as Black

Members-at-large shall be elected to serve until a new Collective Agreement has been ratified by both parties.

If you have any questions please contact Meggan Crawford, Lead Negotiator  or call 604-936-9971

If you are interested in running for one of these positions please submit a CV form to the CTA office

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CTA Teachers Teaching on Call Committee

We are looking to fill the following positions:

1 Member who identifies as Black or Person of Colour
1 Member who identifies as Indigenous
8 Members-at-Large

Terms of Reference

This committee is responsible for making recommendations to the CTA with regard to issues involving TTOCs

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CTA Sanctuary Schools Working Group

We are seeking 6 CTA members to form a working group to inform the CTA Executive Committee’s work on engaging the district on the matter of adopting a Sanctuary Schools Policy.

The goal of this group is to have activists from various CTA committees as well as the broader membership who care about this issue come together to take this work to the next level.

If you have any questions about the working group, please contact Diether Malakoff, 1st Vice President

Please submit a CV form to the CTA office before 4 pm, Friday December 1, 2023

Click here for a curriculum vitae form


District Accessibility Advisory Committee

Position has now been filled.

Terms of Reference

This committee will function alongside the Accessibility Working Group to identify, to reduce, and to remove barriers, and to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. The committee shall review feedback received through the District and shall be consulted in the Working Group’s development and updating of the District’s Accessibility Plan.

To the extent possible, the members of the Committee should be selected in accordance with the following goals as detailed in Section 9 of the Accessible British Columbia Act- click here for more details.

The Committee shall report to the Superintendent:

a) to identify barriers to individuals in or interacting with the organization, and

b) to advise the organization on how to remove and prevent barriers to individuals in or interacting with the organization.

The Committee shall meet 3 times during each school year (September – June). Additional meetings may be scheduled as needed.

CTA PD Committee

We are looking to fill these positions:

1 member who identifies as Indigenous
1 member who identifies as Black or a person of colour
1 Middle Rep
1 Elementary
1 TTOC Rep
1 Committee for Action on Social Justice (CASJ) Rep
1 LSA Council Rep

Terms of Reference

This CTA Committee is responsible for setting goals, direction and recommending policy changes to the CTA Executive Committee. It also assists the CTA Pro D Day Committee in planning of the February Pro D Day

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CTA BIPOC Educators’ Committee

The CTA is seeking BIPOC CTA members. The committee will consist of an unlimited number of members.

Terms of Reference

    1. To identify and review issues and concerns relating to educators who identify as BIPOC.
    2. To make recommendations to the CTA Executive Committee.
    3. To provide a space for BIPOC educators to share concerns and access support.
    4. To review and share resources.
    5. To liaise with other CTA Standing Committees (at the discretion of the BIPOC Educators’ Committee)

If you have any questions about being a part of this committee please contact Ryan Cho, Shauna Clarke or Kelly Roberts

To join the email list (which BIPOC teachers can be a part of without attending meetings) please fill out the form here

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Policies & Procedures Committee

We are looking to fill the following positions:

1 Member who identifies as Indigenous
1 Member who identifies as Black or a person of colour

Terms of Reference

Ensures that all statements in the CTA Constitution, By-Laws and Policies are reviewed/updated annually; serves as an advisory group on matters of policy and  procedure

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District Student Wellness & Safety Committee

Looking to fill one CTA Rep position.

Terms of Reference

Reporting to the Superintendent this committee will review, advise, recommend priorities, plans and processes related to student safety in school district no. 43. This committee reports to the superintendents in an advisory capacity

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CTA Committee for Action on Social Justice (CASJ)

We are looking to fill the following positions:

1 member who identifies as Indigenous
1 member who identifies as Black or person of colour
3 Middle Reps
2 Elementary Reps
1 Member-at-Large

Terms of Reference

This committee’s mandate is to support efforts of teachers to develop instructional strategies, techniques and/or programs in classrooms that deal with social issues in our community

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District Student Achievement Advisory Committee

Looking to fill one CTA Rep position:

1 Middle Rep

Term of Reference

Reporting to the Superintendent, this committee will review, advise and recommend priorities, plans and processes related to improving student achievement. This representative committee will monitor results and implementation of the District Performance Plan and provide advice regarding the effectiveness of the strategies SD43 is using to improve student learning. This committee reports to the Superintendent of Schools in an advisory capacity. The committee, in its capacity, will:

  • Foster cooperative and collaborative planning in the district;
  • Utilize current educational research and expertise as a foundation in the planning, implementation and provision of ongoing support;
  • Recommend short and long term priorities which reflect school, district and provincial needs and initiatives related to student achievement;
  • Review curriculum resource materials as needed

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CTA Scholarship, Awards and Bursary Committee

We are looking to fill the following positions:

1 Continuing Education Representative
1 member who identifies as Indigenous
1 member who identifies as Black or a person of colour
2 Additional CTA Members

This Committee is responsible for adjudicating and approving applications for the various Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries handled by the CTA. The
commitment is about twice a year and it’s a great way to get involved with union work.

For more information contact Diether Malakoff, 1st Vice President

Click here for a curriculum vitae form

District Student Services Advisory Committee

We are looking to fill two CTA rep positions.

Terms of Reference

  1. To provide a vehicle for parent groups to share information with the school district
  2. To provide a forum for parent and employee groups to share information with each other
  3. To provide a forum for the school district to communicate with parent groups on school district program and policy development

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CTA Adult Education Committee

We are looking to fill the following positions:

Member who identifies as Indigenous
Member who identifies as Black or a person of colour
High School Completion Rep

Terms of Reference

To increase awareness of and respect of Adult Educators who teach within Continuing Education in SD43

To promote awareness of Collective Agreement rights within Continuing Education

To work towards parity with working and learning conditions of K-12 teachers

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District Educational Technology Advisory Committee

This Committee is currently full.

Terms of Reference

This representative committee, reporting to the Superintendent, provides advice on district wide matters related to technology implementation.

  1. To provide advice on short term and long range technology plans with a focus on enhancing student learning.
  2. To make recommendations on budget allocations in the area of technology.
  3. To provide a forum for exchange of information and views among parents, staff and students.

Click here for a curriculum vitae form

New Westminster & District Labour Council

We are looking to fill five CTA rep positions.

The New Westminster & District Labour Council (NWDLC) is a community-based central labour organization representing trade union members at the local level. They are a chartered organization of the Canadian Labour Congress, Canada’s national voice for workers and their families.

Their goal is to ensure that our communities and our elected representatives at all levels of government in Canada respond to the needs of people and families.

Duties of delegates

  1. Delegates shall attend Labour Council meetings during the regular school year and in July and August where practicable.  (AGM 2008)
  2. Delegates are responsible for reporting to the Labour Council on issues affecting CTA members, and for communicating information from the Labour Council to the CTA.

Click here for a curriculum vitae form

District French Advisory Committee

Looking to fill one CTA rep position.

Terms of Reference

This representative committee provides advice on district-wide matters related to operation of the French Immersion and French As A Second Language Programs in the district.  In this capacity it reports to the superintendent of schools and deals in an advisory capacity with Board policy issues.

In performing its duties, the committee performs the following functions:

  • To advise the superintendent on matters pertaining to French programs in the district.
  • To make recommendations to the superintendent as appropriate.
  • To provide a forum for the exchange of information and views among parents, teachers, trustees, the Coquitlam Chapter of Canadian Parents for French, and administrators in School District No. 43.

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