3. President’s Report


It's been a difficult year with many challenges: the prevalence model, the Jackson arbitration, bargaining and now a pandemic. It should be noted that we've had more wins than losses this year. It's astounding we managed to get a deal in bargaining, both locally and provincially, without job action, in the middle of a pandemic. [...]

3. President’s Report2020-05-26T16:46:50-07:00

4. Election of Executive Committee for 2020/2021


Candidate CVs for Election to 2020-2021 Executive Committee Positions up for re-election: President 1st Vice-President 2nd Vice-President Local Reps to the BCTF (2) - Meggan Crawford & Amanda Roberts are serving the 2nd year of their 2-year term. Member-at-Large - Person of Colour Member-at-Large - Indigenous Members-at-Large (6)

4. Election of Executive Committee for 2020/20212020-05-26T16:49:21-07:00

5. Ratification of Committee Chairpersons for 2020/2021


Christensen/Obojski That the following Chairpersons be ratified for 2020-2021: Meggan Crawford, PD Committee Chairperson Morgan McKee, Teachers Teaching on Call Committee Karen Jogha, Adult Education Committee Greg Sutherland, LSA Council Karen Learmonth, Committee of Action on Social Justice (CASJ) Christensen/Obojski That Andy Gilligan be ratified as the Labour Relations Officer for 2020-21.  

5. Ratification of Committee Chairpersons for 2020/20212020-05-26T16:48:27-07:00

6. Member Q & A


Any questions on the meeting documents or to candidates running for election can be directed to kroberts@cta43.org by 4:00 pm Friday, May 29, 2020. There were no questions posed to the CTA Office or members running for EC positions.

6. Member Q & A2020-06-01T19:07:28-07:00