Summer PD Assistance

If you are planning to sign up for conferences or workshops over the summer months that you would like to be reimbursed for, please be aware the the CTA office closes after July 11 so the dates for submitting your PD Assistance forms are a little different:

Workshops taking place before July 26 – Yellow form is due two weeks before the Conference Date

Workshops between July 26 & September 20 – Yellow form is due before September 6th

Conference Reports and Receipts for activities which concluded from June 13 to September 1 are due by October 1, 2024.

*If you are submitting a Yellow Form in September before you have elected a new site PD Rep you may use the previous year’s Rep if they are still at your site or send it without this signature for the time being – we will obtain one once PD Reps have been voted on. It’s important to get your form in to the CTA office on time. Reminder – do not rely on the mailbag when deadlines are tight!*

Receipts and Conference Reports can be emailed as an attachment to so you don’t miss the deadline.


Conference Application & Funding

You can obtain the 3-part yellow Application for Professional Development Assistance Form from:

  • the CTA Office
  • your school office
  • the School Board office
  • your school based PD Rep
The assistance application form MUST be submitted and stamped before our office closes 2 weeks prior to the FIRST day of any activity.
The form needs to be submitted to the CTA office.
Please note school mail only moves on Wednesday, it can take up to two weeks for the forms to arrive at the CTA office.
You must submit a copy of conference details which should include, fee, date and location of the activity.

If you are submitting your registration receipt, please keep a copy as you are required to submit it with the conference report after ATTENDING the activity. WE WILL NOT KEEP COPIES OF THIS RECEIPT, and it must be resubmitted.

The amounts that are reimbursed vary and are governed by the CTA/CSB in-service policy. See the detailed guidelines below. Generally however a portion of registration, accommodation and transportation for 2 (two) successful applications per year will be paid. We will NOT reimburse costs for meals, membership fees, parking, taxes, airport improvement fees or surcharges.

You are required to submit a conference report, along with all receipts for reimbursement within one month of the last day of the Professional Development activity you applied for. You can submit your conference report and receipts as a PDF attachment, not as a photo, nor in the body of an email. The PDF must be in a printable format or it can not be processed. Submission option for THIS STEP ONLY: You will then be reimbursed for approved costs by cheque.

Development Funding Forms

The following forms are in Adobe PDF format and you may need the free Adobe Reader to view them. Do not print these from this site. Get the 3-part yellow Funding Form from your school office or from your PD Rep.

 PD Conference Report

 Yellow Form Instructions

Fee Reimbursement Guidelines

The CTA/School Board joint fund is intended to provide assistance to defray costs of those attending in-service functions. Approvals and allocations are governed by the CTA/CSB in-service policy and rulings. Neither attendance nor the entire cost of attendance is automatic. If you have questions, please call the CTA Office.

3. Financial Support Guidelines (to be considered as maximum amounts) as per Policy 9

3.1. Registration amounts shall be:

  • 100% of first $80.00
  •  50% of the next $420.00
  • up to 50% of any amount over $500, subject to PD Committee review (AGM 95)(AGM 2000)(GM Jan 16)

3.2. Accommodation – $30 per night per applicant.(GM Nov 98)(GM Jan 16)

3.3 Meals, taxes, parking and TTOC coverage – no assistance (GM Jan 02) (GM Oct 12)

3.4. Transportation: (GM Nov 98) (GM Jan 02) (GM Jan 16)

a.   Airtravel:

1/4 of airfare (not including taxes and fees) or

b. Car/Ferry Travel:

Lower Mainland (Whistler to Hope)  $0
Other BC destinations & USA driving destinations  $30

3.5  PSA membership fees will be included in the reimbursement formula when a teacher attends a PSA conference and is required to pay a PSA membership (GM Oct 11)