BCTF Pension Seminars

From April 3, to the end of May 2024, Sarb Lalli  presented online pension seminars to help members learn about their pension plan, their pension options, and factors to consider when planning for retirement.

BCTRA Members who were unable to attend the live online sessions may watch the recorded pension seminars on the BCTF YouTube channel in the Playlist section at their convenience.

Members are encouraged to call Sarb Lalli at the BCTF 604-871-1949 if they have any questions related to the Teachers’ Pension Plan, Canada Pension Plan, and/or Old Age Security Benefits.

BCRTA’s Annual Conference, September 26-27: 9am – 6pm Hyatt Regency Hotel, 655 Burrard Street, Vancouver BC.

BCRTA AGM 2024, September 28: 9am – 3pm Hyatt Regency Hotel, 655 Burrard Street, Vancouver BC.

Click the logo for more information.




From November 1 to November 29, 2022, the BCTF presented online pension seminars to help members learn about their pension plan, their pension options, and factors to consider when planning for retirement. A different topic was discussed in-depth each week.

The schedule:

·November 1: Pension Options
·November 8: Relationship Breakdowns and Your Pension
·November 15: Purchasing Leaves of Absence
·November 22: Extended Health and Dental Benefits
·November 29: SIP and WCB Claims and Your Pension.

The recorded pension seminars are now on the BCTF YouTube channel in the Playlists section at your convenience

You can also call 604-871-1949 if you have any questions related to the Teachers’ Pension Plan, Canada Pension Plan, and/or Old Age Security Benefits.

If you are approaching retirement additional information, online courses, and interactive webinar can be found on the Teachers’ Pension Plan site here